Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Marbury V. Madison

     I love to experiment with Video and use many different formats and production tools.  I'm a technology geek, give me a new piece of technology, an app, or software and I'm in my happy place.  I spend extended time trying to push my limits. 
     In examining my lesson I produced a specific Video on Marbury V. Madison the first major supreme court case.  https://youtu.be/_VJ7UYxdWx0 This video is appropriate for both my AP government class and AP History Class.  I have and AP Gov. Class and an AP U.S. History class in both the morning and afternoon.  I had my morning classes as a homework assignment read an article about Marbury V. Madison my afternoon classes watched the Video.  I then used classroom discussion to assess understanding.  The afternoon classes did significantly better than my morning classes.  There are a lot of factors that could explain this, and I realize now it would have been better to have one morning class and one afternoon class do both activities and then assess this. 
     In case you're concerned I made the video available to all my students.

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