Friday, October 30, 2015

A French Snow Day Lesson

I'm posting this video but I'm not entirely happy with it. I wanted to use Office Mix, just to try it since I've used iMovie lots of times. And I like the idea of marking on the page and adding video. However, I was not happy with the audio. I'm using my Lenovo ThinkPad and the mic it is equipped with it so I assume that's where the issues stem from. But even the quality of the YouTube video is terrible. I redid it several times and tried different adjustment but it always sounds the same. Maybe someone else knows a trick?

Here is my snow day lesson:

I taught the vocabulary for a snowman and in the end, I ask the students to create a story about a snowman. I want them to use what the know. The French I students should be able to give their snowman a personality and share likes/dislikes, hobbies. French II should be able to make up a day for their snowman, sending him on an adventure but telling the story in the past tense.

1 comment:

  1. How appropriate for a snow day lesson!! You might want to purchase a microphone (or maybe you should ask Dennis if he has an extra one). This could help with the sound possibly.
