The game contains a global user interface combined with graphic novel sequences. Students can use the TPC (Tasti Pet Communicator) during the game to collaborate with teammates. Teachers are able to track data while students are playing the game. Teachers can also monitor work performances, puzzle attempts, and TPC chat communications.
Playing this game is a very open-ended experience, in which students are rewarded for exploring, taking chances, and using the scientific method in their efforts to accumulate points, free pets, and eventually win the game.
Assignment: Video Tutorial for Manager's Cafeteria in Wing 1
Level 1: Equivalent Ratios
Level 2: Proportional Reasoning
Level 3: Proportional Applications and Resources
After watching this tutorial, the students should be able to complete Levels 1, 2, and 3 in the Manager's Cafeteria
Lure of the Labyrinth Game:
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