Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Question about unit

When we complete our unit (currently working on it.. the kids are doing awesome! So proud :) ), how/where exactly do you guys want us to upload it?

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Flipped Article

Hello everyone! I just wanted to send out an article that I found very helpful. It's about the 4 pillars of flipped learning. I hope you enjoy it!
-Summer Dean

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Saturday, September 6, 2014

9-6-Lchs team video for Flipped Classroom

First creation of the semester.  This is the rough draft version of the sig fig video.

Nice visual

This was one of the images that they showed us at Flipcon'14. It really made the whole thing just click that much more. I know we talk about how we are flipping the way things are done in the classroom, but to see it visually/graphically just made it hit home. 

To explain it a little bit... Traditionally the knowledge and comprehension gets the majority of the time in our classrooms. The rest is done at home.  When we flip our classrooms, the bloom tax triangle changes. The knowledge and comprehension portion is done at home, and the majority of our classroom time and interaction with our students is spent in the higher order thinking aspects of Blooms. 

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

2014-15 Professional Development Schedule

The training schedule for the Marshall University Flipped Learning Group is below:

Flipped Classroom Project
2014-15 Schedule
Session 1 – September 6, 2014  

·         Location: Drinko Library Room 349
·         Time: 10 am - 3 pm
·         Topics:
o   What is flipping? How to gauge flipping - mastery, resource, etc.
o   Show examples of quality flipped units
o   Expectations of participants
o   Logging into the project blog and blogging requirements
o   Brief demonstration of Explain Everything, Touchcast, iMovie and ShowMe apps
o   Introduction to One Note
o   Google Calendar & Google Hangouts
o   Installing Office 365 on computers and devices
·         Mentor alignment
·         Assignment – purchase Explain Everything  & iMovie, sign up for free Vimeo and ShowMe accounts, collect school and district assessment data and content priorities

Session 2 – October 4, 2014  

·         Location: Drinko Library Room 349
·         Time: 10 am - 3 pm
·         Topics:
o   Evaluate school and district data to determine relative strength and weakness in each content area
o   Review Next Generation and WVCSOs to set topics for first flipped lessons
o   Locating existing online resources for target skills
o   Developing video and web resources targeting weak content areas
o   Demonstration of Screencast-O-Matic
o   Setting up Lync and connecting to Lync meetings
o   Assessment with Socrative, PollEv, Testmoz and others
·         Assignment – record, edit and upload some sample material, review example flipped lessons on project blog

Session 3 - October 18, 2014  

·         Location: Drinko Library Room 349
·         Time: 10 am - 3 pm
·         Topics:
o   Resources for flipping already available for content standards
o   Setting up accounts on TeacherTube, YouTube, Vimeo, Kahn Academy
o   Adapting video resources of other teachers for your class
o   Reflecting on the project blog
o   Saving documents and videos to OneDrive and sharing them with students
o   Use of Explain Everything, Touchcast and iMovie in preparing teacher generated content
o   Creating and sharing content with One Note
·         Assignment – locate lessons from one of the online video resources that apply to your course and adapt the lesson to your students’ needs.  Save the lesson to your OneDrive and share it with the flip group

Session 4 - November 8, 2014

·         Location: Drinko Library Room 349
·         Time: 10 am - 3 pm
·         Topics:
o   Uploading to video sites (YouTube, Vimeo, Schooltube, TeacherTube and others)
o   Uploading and sharing Dropbox files
o   Uploading and sharing with Google Drive
o   Setting up Google Forms
o   Advanced techniques with Explain Everything and iMovie
o   Recording and editing teacher produced video resources with ShowMe and Touchcast
o   Issues/Problems/Solutions/Work Arounds encountered with flipping
o   Making a cohesive flipped lesson
·         Assignment – bring one small flipped lesson to next meeting

Session 5 – December 6, 2014  

·         Location: Drinko Library Room 349
·         Time: 10 am - 3 pm
·         Topics:
o   CIPA requirements and protecting students
o   Accessing content on the web
o   Getting to YouTube through WebTop
o   Getting a YouTube video whitelisted by WVDE
o   Disabling YouTube comments and other options
o   Setting up a YouTube channel
o   Making content available to students (blogs, Google Sites, email, USB drives, DVDs, etc) - classroom viewing at alternate times
o   Setting up and monitoring a blog for student use
o   Demonstrate flipped lessons
·         Assignment – conduct a flipped lesson with a class and prepare to discuss successes and challenges and develop a flipped unit

Session 6 - January 24, 2015

·         Location: Drinko Library Room 349
·         Time: 10 am - 3 pm
·         Showcase Celebration
o   Bring the flipped unit and discuss progress of implementation
o   Critique and suggest ways to enhance content and delivery
·         Meet with mentors
·         Assignment- Update flipped unit and begin development of a second flipped unit for second semester
§  Learning Goals
§  Standards/Common Core
§  Procedures
§  Assessment
§  Differentiation
§  Accommodations

Session 7 - February 21, 2015

·         Location: Drinko Library Room 349
·         Time: 10 am - 3 pm
·         One Note capabilities and uses
·         Using shared and online calendars with flipped classes
·         Embedding assessment in videos with Touchcast and other tools
·         Using Geddit in flipped classrooms
·         Modifying and updating video resources for second semester
o   Adapting prepared lessons for future implementations
o   Collecting data on student use of flipped resources
·         Types of flipped models
o   Blended delivery units
o   Embedded flipped lessons
o   Flipped mastery units
·         Assignment- Modify a video lesson prepared earlier to adapt to needs of a different student group

Session 8 - March 14, 2015

·         Location: Drinko Library Room 349
·         Time: 10 am - 3 pm
·         Using Nearpad in the flipped classroom
·         Putting students in charge of creating lessons
o   Teaching students to use iMovie, Explain Everything and Touchcast and Powtoon to create lessons for peers or younger students
o   Collecting data on student use of flipped resources
o   Protecting student privacy in their creations
·         Assignment- Create a flipped unit using lessons or components created by students or student groups

Session 9 - April 11, 2015

·         Location: Drinko Library Room 349
·         Time: 10 am - 3 pm
·         Bringing it all together
o   Putting teacher created video, student content, web content, assessment and other resources together into a cohesive unit
o   Making the completed unit available to any student, any place, any time
·         Assignment- Bring a complete unit to the May meeting that is ready to be uploaded to the project blog that can be accessed from any teacher or student via the web

Session 10 – May 9, 2015

·         Location: Drinko Library Room 349
·         Time: 10 am - 3 pm
·         Preparation of compiled set of units for statewide distribution
·         Sharing of completed units
·         Discussion of alignment of units to WV and Next Generation Standards in each content area

·         Assignment- Share the excitement and opportunities of flipped classrooms with other teachers