Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Beginning

Welcome to the home for the Marshall University Flipped Classroom!

After two meetings, I think we have made substantial headway into how we will create the flipped classroom model. The ideas for content are flowing and the discussions on how to build or harvest lessons are nearly completed. By the next meeting, we should have the answers we need as far as resources that need acquired by some in the course.

The first item that has come up since we last met is conflict with our next session on November 3. Steve let me know that the West Virginia State Science Conference is the same weekend. With a room of science teachers, this may be a big issue. We may need to reschedule if several will be at the conference.

Questions? Comments? Fire away!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for setting up this blog. This can be a great way to communicate as the project progresses.
