Friday, April 25, 2014

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Modifying the Flipped Classroom: The "In-Class" Version 

This Edutopia article highlights the challenges and strengths of an in-class flip model. It is worth a read if current methods are proving not as successful as you would prefer. My current group of students has challenged me to think of new ways to "flip" my classroom. What works this year, may not necessarily work the next.

drawing of students listening to video lecture
Students go to a station for the lecture.

Credit: Jennifer Gonzalez

Friday, April 11, 2014

Efficacy, Adaptive Learning, and the Flipped Classroom, Part II

Although the article centers on higher education, the results of changing the class to a flipped model demonstrate that students perform better and withdraw less from the psychology course. For more information, read the previous post that follows the embed for how the department prepared for the changeover.

1st Article link: