Saturday, March 29, 2014


Remind101 allows teachers to send texts to students and parents anonymously from a safe number. You can send it to all classes or subgroups.

Wacom Tablet for Writing on Presentation

Available from Amazon and others:

Friday, March 28, 2014

Some links of videos

 Below I added a couple of links for each type of video that I have been working on. I am doing my class a little different, so I won't have everything videoed. The first set has been my most successful types of videos. I have always had difficulty with figuring out what to do about labs and absentees. In the past, I just exempted them but was dissatisfied with the content they were losing.

Some links of videos that I have made showing the lab for absent students:

Some links of videos I have made in the past and the students enjoyed:   --Sound Inquiry Labs  --Parts of an Experiment

Some links of videos I have made that aren't as exciting:

Some links of videos that I did not make but use and like:

Sunday, March 9, 2014

9 Things Every Student Should Be Able to Do with Google Drive

I came across this in my newsfeed last night. It highlights some of the features that students may miss when using Google Drive (Docs). Shortened URL for site:

"9 Things Every Student Should Be Able to Do with Google Drive ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning." 9 Things Every Student Should Be Able to Do with Google Drive ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Mar. 2014.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Survey for students

So I have found myself having a decent to great idea with no idea how to carry it through. I really want to do this survey of my science (and math) kids' opinion because they seem to be pretty excited about the versions we are doing of flipped classroom. However, I have no idea how to word the questions so that they are viable and usable by the group/donors. Any suggestions would be well received!

Thanks everyone

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Excellent collection of science content videos

In scanning YouTube for some good science content videos that can be used for flipped classes, I found Paul Anderson, a science teacher at Bozeman High School in Montana.
His YouTube channel is at -
You can find a collection of well produced instructional videos in biology, chemistry, physics and earth/space science.

His video on balancing chemical equations is a good example of a flipped video: